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Artists, Athletes,
and Fans

Welcome to the
Brooklyn Black Sox
DAO Women's Baseball Team

Empowering Women Through Inclusive Sports Innovation

The Brooklyn Black Sox DAO Women's Baseball Team was founded with a mission to revolutionize the sports industry through inclusivity and technological innovation. By leveraging decentralized funding, smart contracts, and blockchain technology, we empower women in sports and create a model for the future of athletics. Join us in our journey towards unity and shared purpose among artists, athletes, and fans.

Connecting the Past and Present

The Brooklyn Black Sox represent the team's commitment to inclusivity and innovation. By combining the rich history of the past with cutting-edge technology, the team is revolutionizing the sports industry.

Honoring History

Embracing Innovation

Driving Change in Sports

Revolutionizing Sports Management and Funding for the Community,
Players, and Fans

The Brooklyn Black Sox brings a new era of transparency, inclusivity, and empowerment to the sports industry. Through decentralized funding and community-driven management, we are revolutionizing the way sports teams operate.


Our innovative approach ensures transparent funding and community-driven management, empowering the entire ecosystem.


We believe in the power of inclusivity, fostering unity and shared purpose among artists, athletes, and fans.


The Future of Blockchain in Sports

Retinal Delights NFTs
Joy for the eye to see.

Fan-create NFT platform that contributes sales and royalties to fund the DAO Sports Association.

Strctrl Systems
.Innovation .Inspired

Smart contracts and DAO governance that bridges NFTs and the DAO Sports Association together.

DAO Sports Association
Governed by Fans,
Powered by Blockchain.

Retinal Delights NFTs fund the DAO,
so others can get paid to play sports.

DAO Baseball League
Putting the "all" in Baseball
Using Blockchain Technology.

The first league of the DAO Sports Association.

Los Angeles Blue Sox
DAO Women's Baseball Team

Women's DAO 
Professional Baseball

Boston Resolutes
DAO Women's Baseball Team

Women's DAO 
Professional Baseball

Vegas Vixens
DAO Women's Baseball Team

Women's DAO 
Professional Baseball

Brooklyn Black Sox
DAO Women's Baseball Team

Women's DAO 
Professional Baseball


Find answers to common questions about the team's operation, history, and how to engage with our initiatives.

What is the team's history?

The Brooklyn Black Sox DAO Women's Baseball Team has a rich history of empowering women in sports. We are at the forefront of decentralized sports, using innovative technologies to revolutionize the industry.

How can I get involved?

There are many ways to engage with the Brooklyn Black Sox initiatives. You can become a fan, support us through Retinal Delights NFTs, or even participate in our community-driven management through Strctrl Systems' smart contracts.

What is the DAO Sports Association?

The DAO Sports Association is a blockchain-powered organization that supports and promotes decentralized sports teams. We provide transparent funding and community-driven management, ensuring inclusivity and technological advancement.

How can I support the team?

You can support the Brooklyn Black Sox by becoming a fan, attending their games, purchasing Retinal Delights NFTs, or even contributing to their community-driven initiatives through the DAO Sports Association.

Can I join the team?

If you are a talented female baseball player, you may have the opportunity to join the Brooklyn Black Sox. Details coming 2025.


Contact Us

Have questions, comments?
Reach out to us.


For general inquiries,
please e-mail us:


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Please leave a message and
we will call you back.

+1 (323) 515-1725